Pace Anti Piracy Folder

After installing Crysis 1, Origin informed me is was ready to play, but when i tried to launch it, it says 'DOWNLOAD IN PROGRESS' despite being 100% done. Every time i try to launch the game, it crashes. I've tried reinstalling the game 3 times, i've tried repairing the game, and check for updates.

If you are sure you have not installed the game on a fourth computer, please clear your license files located at C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data PACE Anti-Piracy License Files and delete all the files in that folder. More information here: PACE Anti-Piracy - Frequently Asked Questions for End Users Apparently Pace does not provide end user support. I would recommend checking to see what software product was installed at the same time that the Pace product was installed to determine which software installed this component. Buy PACE Anti-Piracy iLok3 3rd-Generation USB Software Authorization Key featuring USB Key for Storing Authorizations, Holds up to 1500 Authorizations, Smaller than Previous Versions, Stronger and More Durable Enclosure, Immune from Updates and Crashes. Review PACE Anti-Piracy iLok 3.

Just wondering if anybody else sees a Pace Anti-Piracy folder and files after installing and configuring PPro CS5 on a 64 bit Win 7 system. I noticed the folder in a few places including [user]/AppData/Roaming. I had just done a system image so I reverted to a point where CS5 Production Premium was installed and all products updated, but PPro had not yet been started for the first time. I started all other apps first, but no Anti-Piracy folders. Then, as soon as I opened PPro to configure it, the folders showed up again. There is very little information about it anywhere except that Pace advertises Adobe as a client. Adobe Forum search produced no hits.

Pace Anti Piracy Inc

PiracyAny thoughts?

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